Have your circumstances changed since you established your trust arrangement? If yes, you should review your trust deed to ensure it still achieves your objectives and is compliant with the latest legislation and case law.
Your Trust Deed is the rulebook for how your trust functions. It spells out how your trust’s assets are handled and distributed, as well as the rights and responsibilities of everyone involved – the appointor, trustee(s), and beneficiaries.
Here’s why you should consider having your Trust Deed reviewed:
Before the end of the financial year, it’s wise to ensure your Trust aligns with your personal and business goals, creating a lasting positive impact for you, your family, and your business.
Our Legal team can give you peace of mind and reassurance by offering a summary of our thorough assessment of how well your Trust Deed aligns with your goals.
Let us help you ensure your trust is on the right track to achieve what matters most to you.
This publication is intended for information purposes only and should not be regarded as financial or legal advice. You should obtain advice that is specific to your circumstances and not rely on this publication as financial or legal advice. If there are any issues you would like us to advise you on arising from this publication, please let us know.